Friday, March 5, 2010

March in my little garden!

IMG_0171, originally uploaded by cabanagirl.

After a tough week of work I woke up this morning eager to start a new day! Sophie and I left early (6:30) for our walk. It was sunny and cold but the day promised to be good.....I could just tell.
When we returned home I went through the ritual of walking through the garden to see how it survived the week.
Surprise! The wisteria has already started to bloom. I literally squealed with delight and told Sophie how happy these little flowers made me. Then I continued:

1 comment:

Marjorie said...

Denise, I love the pictures of your garden it shows how much love and care has gone into it.

I think you will have a bounty of fruit and flowers this year.

Summer is coming :))