Thursday, February 24, 2011

Judith Bellavic

Judith and Alexee, originally uploaded by cabanagirl.

I have to say "Goodbye" to a dear friend of mine: Judith. I met Judith 22 years ago when she appeared at my front door wanting to rent my apartment so that she could make a new nest for the upcoming birth of her first and only chid, Alexee. It was a wonderful experience having Judith and her new born baby so close to me. We all became good friends immediately. Alexee was a precious child with a bigger than life personality and an amazing heart. She loved all people but probably animals more. Alexee grew to love horses and spent as much time as she could riding and caring for them. Judith was the quintessential mother. She had only one chance so she was over-the-top with creative ideas and fun for her daughter and her friends, both child and adult. When Alexee was 3 they moved from Southern California to San Francisco for a while and then to Florida where Judith's aging parents lived and needed her help. Seven years ago, shortly before Alexee's 16th birthday sweet little Alexee died suddenly from complications from her diabetes. Judith was lost. With no family left she turned to her friends to fill in the impossible void in her life. I have been fortunate to be one of those friends. Judith called me on my birthday last week. As usual we had a lively and joyful conversation.
A mutual friend called last night to tell me Judith had passed away. My heart is saddened and I am full of grief but I can't help but think that Judith is back with her precious angel Alexee and they are skipping and laughing together again.
I will miss you, my friend.


Marjorie said...

I am sure Judith and Alexee are together again. It is very hard to lose the ones we love. I remember you saying how hard it was for Judith to cope with the loss of her daughter... that she never recovered from that tragedy. As Mothers we can understand her pain, but now they are embracing each other. At peace in a beautiful, heavenly, place. Take comfort knowing that Denise.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful tribute to your friend. And what a beautiful mother and daughter -- no doubt that these 2 are related and joyous about each other and life... and now reunited in a perfect place with perfect health and eternity to enjoy the wonder of love and relationship.

I remember when you rented to her, although we never met. The years race by so quickly, don't they?

Thank you for keeping me abreast of all your adventures on your blog. I read it every week with a smile on my face.
Love -- Jan

Denise said...

Thank you so much for your lovely comments my friends, Marjorie and Jan. Both you you have been such good friends in my life. I appreciate you so much