Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday morning harvest!

harvest, originally uploaded by cabanagirl.

Oh Boy! Now this is what makes all the work worth it!
I started June 1st working in my garden like a crazy person...up at 6am working the soil until it got hot (usually by 8am) and then again as soon as the shade hit the back yard until dark. Despite the damaging hail storm 2 weeks ago the garden survived.
Sophie and the chickens were of little help but they did keep me company. Now 2 months later I have plenty of veggies to keep me in antioxidant heaven and lovely flowers to make me smile.
This is just my first week's harvest.
tomatoes (only one so far..a Japanese version..I have 14 tomato bushes)
French green beans
these are the two crops that would satisfy me ......2 essential ingredients to a great Nicoise salad!
Swiss chard...rainbow brights
sweet peas....fabulous fragrance
summer squash, 4 kinds (Cocozelle, rond de Nice, cube of butter and Tigress)

garlic and onions, planted last fall
Anybody hungry?

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