Monday, September 1, 2014

Coming back to me!

I had a grandmother I called "MiMi".  She was the quintessential grandmother of all time.  First of all she adored me.  What little girl could not appreciate that?  She spent precious time with me teaching me how to sew,  bead and embroidery.  She taught me how to make bread and cook a terrific pork roast....all of which I still do. When I sew a seam by hand or on the machine my MiMi is watching over me making sure I am doing it right, not taking any short cuts and smiling down on me with pride and approval.  When I was a young adult my MiMi started collecting Hummel figurines.  I don't know why.  Maybe it was her German heritage or the earthy little children doing chores she used to do on her farm in Missouri.   These collectables suited her perfectly.  It is hard to know what to buy your grandmother for her birthday  when you have a little money of your own to spend but these little figurines were always the perfect gift for her from me.  My MiMi died nearly 40 years ago but she is with me everyday in the kitchen, in the garden and when I am with my own granddaughters.  These figurines have been boxed away since that time.  I have gently asked for just one of them to hold and look at and have some concrete touch of my MiMi but for 40 years I have been denied.  A few years ago I bought one on eBay to satisfy this connection.
A few days ago I received a box in the mail from my brother who now lives in my parents' home, the home we all grew up in.  Inside the box were 6 Hummel figurines wrapped in aged newspaper with the date of 1995.
I have just dusted off the last 20 years and placed these three on my nightstand.  I am typing this post with tears in my eyes.  I am so grateful to have them back in my life.