Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Visit to Seattle

Gabriela and me, originally uploaded by cabanagirl.

Joy to the world! My entire family was together in Seattle this past weekend. It has been two years+ since we all assembled last in California and now Gabriela (age 7 months) has joined our family. We had 4 days to travel and play searching for adventures around every corner. The girls really had fun playing together and the baby took it all in stride. The kitchen was busy non-stop. Brad made too many trips to the market to keep us fed. It was a great trip!!


Marjorie said...

Great pictures Denise! Even though your get-away was short, I can tell it was sweet:-)
Great pictures of you and Gabriele. I have to hand it to Amber, she dresses the little girls beautifully.
I am with Kate when it comes to water, I love to wade in the ocean.
Thanks for sharing your weekend:-)

Denise said...

You're welcome. How I miss the beach!