Friday, May 20, 2011

Chicken coop & chicken

Chicken coop, 4 walls up, originally uploaded by cabanagirl.

The baby chicks are growing fast and will soon outgrow their cardboard box brooder in the basement. So I am busy building them a coop....well when the weather permits. Last Monday I raised the four walls but still no roof or doors and windows so a lot of good this does the girls. I hope the sun comes out soon or at least the rain stops long enough for me to get this done this weekend


Marjorie said...

Harvey and I were wondering how you are going to keep them cool this summer? Will you put screens on the windows and door? Pretty chicken... what color eggs will she lay?

Denise said...

Good question
The windows will have "chicken" wire screens and for cooler days and nights I will have "storm plywood windows to latch shut. This little chicken is an Aracauna. She will lay either blue or green eggs. Too soon to tell but her legs are blue green.