Thursday, June 20, 2024

All things LAVENDER

 My very favorite subject:  Lavender

No calories in the newest lavender projects:  lavender infused oil and sketch painting

French lavender - Provence

Lavender Augustifloria
lavender and sage on new quilt

Both are culinary varieties and so versatile.
The question is "What new item can I make with lavender this year?"
I've made Lavender Jelly

Lavender wands:

Lavender ice cream

Lavender filled eye pillow:
lavender filled pillow

Lavender fields rock  painting:

Lavender lemonade....what no photo?  later

So this years projects:  lavender infused coconut oil
and lavender thread painting:

First collect the best lavender

Then turn the upside down to dry for about 2 weeks:

Then remove the buds and place in a large - 1 quart- jar

Add the oil - any unfragranced oil will  do but I used fractionated coconut oil.  Fractionated coconut oil remains liquid and is often used as a massage oil
infused oil after 6 days

Then I strained the buds out and bottled it.
lavender infused oil in lots of plastic jars

My favorite use of this oil is a nighttime application on my arms and legs.  Lavender does help you relax and this little stip helps you to get to sleep a little kinder and quicker.
Ella has told me this is also good for your skin and hair.   There's a big jar on your way, sweet Ella>

OK Thread painting...also known as creative stitching.  I have treated myself to a new sewing machine.  My old one has died and repair is no longer a good investment.  I have been doing my best to just use my little basic Little Gem (Janome) but if I ever want to finish my unfinished quilts or make a new one I just had to purchase a new one.   The first chore I needed to do was to quilt the border of a quilt I started 15+ years ago.  Ella and I named this quilt "Lavender and Sage" because of the colors:
lavender sage quilt 

I harvested some of each to check the compatibility   Yep!!!

Then I loaded my new machine with some sage colored thread.  I pencil sketched on the purple fabric of the border and then sketched on the lavender image. 
lavender sketch painting

I am happy to say that I have finished two quilts that I started over 15 years ago.  I've promised myself to finish all those I started and got sidetracked from with life.

lavender augtifloria growning in my front yard

Available lavender eye pillows:

Apricot Abundance

 Yes It's been a while since my last post but I've been busy...with the farm:  soil prep, weeding, planting, weeding, early harvest, weeding....and the weeding is winning.  Despite my biggest adversary the garden is in and so far very plentiful,  Spring gives me sugar snap peas, kale, chard, radishes, beets and fragrant sweet peas.  In early March I planted my tomatoes and I'm getting a few beauties already.  Soon I will be on a caprese salad diet.  But I want to post about my apricots. 

Gold Kist apricots grow in my zone.  I planted this tree 5 years ago and have had a huge harvest the last 3 years....too many really making me a slave to the apricots for the last 4 weeks.  The first bite of the first ripe fruit is heaven  You just can't get a flavorful apricot at the market.....maybe a Farmers Market.  At about week two I went out to pick up what had fallen on the soft grass that day and found this:

Over 50 had dropped since noon.  I actually had nightmares about what to do with all of this fruit.  I shared with my neighbors and friends and then I got to work:
First I made a batch of jam:

I find most of my successful canning recipes from Food in Jars.  This one starts with 8 cups of apricots and 3 1/2 cups of sugar plus a vanilla bean and lemon zest and juice.  About an hour later I have 3 pints of delicious jam.

So far I have jarred 16 pints and 8 half pints.  Jam anyone?
Last year I froze my extra but I didn't want to do that this year because I still have some in the freezer so I decided to can the apricots in quart jars.

Nineteen (19) quarts and a few pints of apricots.  This should get me through the winter

OK next I got out my dehydrator.....a must for anyone blessed with a bountiful harvest.  I used my vacuum sealer and produced 26 bags of dried apricots.  These will last quite a while.
Yesterday I celebrated baking with apricots and strawberries (also a good yield this year.  I went to Ina Garten's crostata recipe  for summer fruit and used 2 pounds of apricots and one cup of strawberries

Place in the center of a sweetened pastry (pate sucre)

Add the crumble topping and fold up the sides

Bake for 25 minutes at 450 degrees.
Crostatas can be made with any fruit.  It's simply a pie without the pie plate.  The pastry dough is rolled out; fruit tossed with flour, sugar and 2 Tbs of orange juice is then placed in the center leaving 1-2" of dough.  The dough edges are lifted up and gently over the fruit.  Go to Ina's recipe for specifics.
Most of you that know me know I consume very little sugar or flour or any processed foods at all but once in a while I treat myself to my own baking.  This was a treat.
I have maybe a day or two left of harvesting apricots.  My Anna apple is feeding me and my goats now and soon peaches.  But for today I am going to enjoy the last of the fresh fruit from my beautiful and generous tree.
Bon Appetit!