Sunday, January 31, 2021

January 2021 challenge 1570 exercise minutes for the month


OK  I'm going to pat myself on the back one more time and then go back to posting food stuff.  After completing the December challenge---just barely then January offered a new one: 1570 exercise minutes for the month.  Holy Cow that makes it 50 exercise minutes a day.....every day for 31 days.  OK forget about it.  Never mind.  No can do.  But it possible?  I get my morning workout walking Charlotte for 2.25 miles....that's usually 40 minutes.  Then in the evening we go out for a short walk....maybe 15 minutes of getting my heart rate up to a working level (Not too hard when your 72) and I also get on my mat and do some Yoga or Pilates or stretches so maybe it is possible.  Well on January 24 I hit my 1570 minutes.....with 8 more days to go in the months.  Now that January has come to a close I not only met this challenge but added 520 minutes to it......2090 minutes That's almost 35 hours of exercise.  Well good for me.  Along with that I was alcohol free and mid month went sugar and flour free as well.  With all of that I should have shed 25 pounds, n'est pas?  I'll accept 5.  I'm afraid to read what my Apple Watch challenges me for February.

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