Friday, September 14, 2012

tomato collection

tomato collection, originally uploaded by cabanagirl.
A bounty harvest with lots of color. The gnarly dark red ones are heirloom Cherokee purples--the very best sliced and eaten plain. The yellow green are striped Zebras used on the above tart. The dark cherries are called chocolate cherry and are the sweetest cherry tomato I have ever tasted. I tried a new hybrid this year called indigo rose. it has purple black shoulders that have the same antioxidants (anthocyanins) that are in blueberries. They proved not to be as tasty as heirloom varieties but hold their shape well and made a delicious salsa. San Marzano plums are the very best meaty tomatoes for sauces.  Peaking through near the green Zebras are delicious grape tomatoes and the last variety is a red pear. I started all of these plants from seed and have had a ball watching them mature and ripen.

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