Saturday, September 3, 2011

This week in the garden

tomatoes, red grape, originally uploaded by cabanagirl.

It's beginning to look like the end of summer. last night the 98degree day was interrupted by a heavy downpour of rain and a quick switch to cool weather. I actually slept with my windows open for the first time in many months.
The wane of summer also is visible in the garden- finally the vegetables that take so long time to mature: winter squash, pumpkins, eggplant and my very favorite--TOMATOES. Dare I say my feathered girls like tomatoes too. I guess it's a fair exchange since I am getting 2 eggs a day now.
Also the sunflowers are towering over 9 feet in the air and are in full bloom. I get more and more zinnias and beautiful morning glories. I pulled up a few summer squash plants an harvested the blossoms. They will be stuffed with goat cheese by the end of the day.
This is going to be a gorgeous Saturday!
I hope yours is wonderful too

1 comment:

Marjorie said...

I think Fall is arriving everywhere we woke up to a very pleasant morning with a cool breeze. Temps will be below 100 this week for the first time in months. Still praying for rain but none in sight:( Perhaps next week.
Your crop of vegetables and fruit are simply beautiful:-) Happy eating Denise!