Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Domestic Divas, in training

tooth fairy pillow, originally uploaded by cabanagirl.

Today was the very first class of Domestic Divas, in training (DDIT). I have wanted to start a little girls sewing class for months now and the time arrived today. Ella and 3 of her friends met at my home to learn how to sew. Our first project is this cute little tooth fairy pillow.......very appropriate for 6-8 year olds who seem to have wiggly teeth ready to exfoliate at any time. We started out with making a pattern for the tooth and then practicing basic embroidery stitches: running stitch and French knots. At times it was a challenge just to keep the thread on the needle much less wrap it around the needle and head back to the original hole in the fabric but the girls did really well. We had plenty of giggles, some frustration and lots of fun.


Marjorie said...

Denise, What a great project to start the Diva's off with. I love the pillow and can tell the girls were having a great time.

I hope they realize how fortunate they are to have such a wonderful opportunity to learn a craft that will enrich their lives. They have the best teacher to guide them. That I know.


Denise said...

Thank you so much, Marjorie. It was fun. I think I had to thread someone's needle every 2 minutes!

Jane LaFazio said...

yahoo!! I LOVE that you've started your classes!!! and I can't think of a more perfect project, especially for you, the dental hygenist! when I teach sewing, it's the same way, all about keeping the thread in the needle.