Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Pomegranates Wonderful!

The figs have all been harvested - some by the goats.  The watermelon have been harvested.....sweet and juicy.....well the barnyard animals eat the rinds...nothing wasted around here!....and now the Pomegranates.  Last year, 2 months after I moved in, there were a measly 3 small fruit on the tree.  Some friends had a bounty and shared but this year after the rains and some enrichment of the earth I have a bounty of my own.  I stopped counting at 130.  Well now I have a problem:  what to do with all of these beauties?:

pomegranates 2019

Pom Wonderful
This is what pomegranates look like growing on a tree.  When I was a child my mother would let us pick them but we would definitely have to eat them outside with very few clothes on.  I have a vivid memory of my brother, my cousins and I eating pomegranates while stripped down to our undies and "walking" down the long driveway on homemade stilts.  Oh what fun!

They start out as these pretty blossoms

green moms
Then around the middle of summer they start to look like these.

cross section
If you cut a pomegranate exactly in half they expose this beautiful star shape

"Poppy, tell me how your nose got so purple"

 So what to do with this superfood?  Well just eating the arils or drinking the juice is yummy but here are some more suggestions:  (After all I have 100 or so of them and not that many friends)
Pomegranate Margarita
Pomegranate Margarita:
Pomegranate juice
lime juice
agave to sweeten
Triple Sec
Jalapeno pepper
These can be addicting.  Try soaking a Jalapeño (pierced but not seeded) in Tequila overnight.  This will add a kick to the Tequila that is powerful.

Pomegranate champagne cocktail
Pomegranate champagne cocktail:
Pomegranate juice
reserved arils

Pomegranate jelly
Pomegranate Jelly
Time consuming but worth it.

Here's what I harvested today along with my poms.  Now time for my Margarita:
October harvest

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