Saturday, February 2, 2019

Blood orange and Passion fruit sorbet

blood orange and passion fruit sorbet
I found some passion fruit at the Downey Farmers Market last week and brought them home wondering what I could do with them.  Hmmmmmm.
Alice Waters helped me out with this recipe from her Fruit recipe book.  Here's the recipe:

Passion Fruit Sherbet:


3 pounds of oranges (enough to make 3 cups of juice)..I used blood oranges
8 passion fruit (I only had 4 so made that do)
3/4 cup plus 2 Tbs sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla extract ( I mistakingly used 1 full tsp and would repeat this)
optional 1 tsp Cointreau


Juice the oranges, stain and measure 3 cups
Cut passion fruit in half and scoop out the pulp and seeds into a small saucepan.
Add the sugar and 1 cup of the orange juice
Heat gently and stir until sugar is dissolved
Press and scrape through a fine meshed strainer with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula
Add the remaining orange juice, the vanilla and the Cointreau if using
Chill thoroughly
Freeze in your home ice cream freezer

Remember I used blood oranges,  They are pretty much only available in January and February.  But the blood orange juice gives this sorbet a gorgeous color:

passion fruit

blood oranges cross sectioned

sorbet liquid ready for the ice cream freezer

This sorbet is not too sweet but enough..has a nice sour "bite" and would go well following a spicy dinner.  Alice suggests serving it with a delicate butter cookie or  coconut macaroons
I think I'll just go and have some all by itself.
Bon appetit!

footnote:  I am taking Alice Waters' Masterclass available at

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