Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Inspiration Hummingbird garden

Take a peek at my new garden in California.  Like everything else here this area needed a lot of love on my arrival.  The earth was so dry and compact that it took me several days to turn each 4 foot area.  That's all I could do at a time.  I'd turn the soil and water again and again then I'd plant an area and then repeat.  But hard work, a dream of what it will look like and great California weather got me through

lipstick hibiscus
I started with the idea of a Zen garden and then that morphed into a meditation garden.  But as kept digging and planting I realized that it was all turning lipstick pink, bright orange and raspberry....all the colors that attract hummingbirds.  So now I call it my Inspiration garden

inspiration garden
I placed some trellises in strategic spots to guide sweet peas and sugar snap peas as well as hide the barnyard.  I have been harvesting the sugar snaps already.  (Well it is California - in Denver we'd all be under snow)

poppies and snapdragons
After planting the hibiscus, 3 citrus trees (blood orange, Meyer lemon, and kumquat) poppies, echinacea, snapdragons, gerber daisies and salvia  I sprinkled in lots of seeds.  Already I have radishes, cilantro marigolds and nasturtiums.

seed packets
Well I planted two roses as well and these Gerber Daisies:

gerbera daisies
The invitation is out for the hummingbirds.  No takers yet but I trust they will find their way.

1 comment:

Winifred said...

You've been working really hard there. Some lovely plants to show for it. Hope you get the humming birds!