Monday, November 12, 2012

To dye for

dyed fabric in garment, originally uploaded by cabanagirl.
The last 2 Saturdays I had a blast dyeing fabrics with lots of different techniques and then creating a Japanese tunic with my dyed linen.
I ventured out to the Art Students League of Denver--a fabulous old building downtown with creaking wooden floors, a double staircase, fabulous library and several open studios. Jo Fitzell was our famous dye expert and she walked us through classic tie dye, soy wax resist, dye painting, ombre and shiburi techniques of dyeing. I was going for indigo shades with a little turquoise and lavender as my palate. I came home with 6 yards of dyed linen and fingernails stained dark blue.

1 comment:

Jane LaFazio said...

is this the garment you made or will be making? it's gorgeous. the class looked like so much fun and you came home with 6 yards of fabric! wow!! cool building too.