Friday, May 19, 2017

Sometimes you just have to butt heads with your mother

Eloise and her mother, CoCo

Sometimes kids just don't see eye to eye with their parents.  I think CoCo started this one but LuLu just isn't afraid to take her on.  None months in a goat's life must mean she's a teenager.

At the end of it all they go back to loving each other.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

What messy room?

Oh my!  My blog is based on the fact that my art studio is just a messy room----really but at least for a few days it is NOT
The studio is in my basement with not much storage and not much light.....pretty much a room to collect a mess but as all of us do from time to time it was time to do something about it.  The room had a dinky little closet in the corner of the 10" by 18" room.  So I  build in a 4" by 12' walk in closet.  It still left a good size room and a new wall for a gallery.  The quilt that inspired this:
October Sunset quilt 2005

every studio needs a guest bed

So I used it for the back pillow of the day bed.  The window has a leaded glass over it so the light is pretty on a sunny day

Gallery wall

Here's the closet door and the gallery wall.  Yes children's art is acceptable!
Now walk into my closet:

South wall

back wall

north wall

And there's 2 more walls for my work space and a little dresser, not shown.

work center

Oh yes, I need another lamp
Time to change the name of my blog